Site Address: 124 Behms Road, Jacobs Well QLD 4208

List of Products we take for Beneficial Re-Use

We are fully licensed by DERM to take any of the products listed below (our licenses are listed at the bottom of this page).

Lakefill - clean earth material which includes:

  • Sand
  • Soil including acid sulphate soil
  • Shale & rock
  • Clay

We are able to accept the above materials from Red Fire Ant restricted areas.

We also accept the following products:

  • Asphalt

Disposal Fees/Charges (GST NOT included) Download

New prices as per: 01/07/2024

Clean Earthern Material
Disposal Location:
124 Behms Road Jacobs Well
Material Description:
Sand, Soil, Rock, Clay, Silt, Gravel
Weigh Bridge per ton:
6 Wheeler, 10 ton truck rate:
8 Wheeler, 13 ton truck rate:
10 Wheeler, 15 ton truck rate:
Semi 18/20, 20 ton semi rate:
T & Tri 20/22, 26 ton T & T rate
T & Quad 22/24, 28 ton T & Q rate:
Vac Truck:

Disposal Location:
124 Behms Road Jacobs Well
Material Description:
Unsuitable Material is, excavated natural materials which are received as mixed non-homogeneous materials consisting of clay, silt, gravel and rock <300mm, and free of deleterious materials.
Weigh Bridge per ton:
6 Wheeler, 10 ton truck rate:
8 Wheeler, 13 ton truck rate:
10 Wheeler, 15 ton truck rate:
Semi 18/20, 20 ton semi rate:
T & Tri 20/22, 26 ton T & T rate
T & Quad 22/24:

Wet Earthen Material
Disposal Location:
124 Behms Road Jacobs Well
Material Description:
Moist to saturated material that can’t be compacted or hold its angle of repose.
Weigh Bridge per ton:
6 Wheeler, 10 ton truck rate:
8 Wheeler, 13 ton truck rate:
10 Wheeler, 15 ton truck rate:
Semi 18/20, 20 ton semi rate:
T & Tri 20/22, 26 ton T & T rate
T & Quad 22/24, 28 ton T & Q rate:

ASS - Acid Sulphate Soil
Disposal Location:
124 Behms Road Jacobs Well
Material Description:
Soils and sediments containing iron sulphides and the most common being pyrite, when exposed to air produces sulphuric acid. Must be classified as ASS.
Weigh Bridge per ton:
$7.90 + liming
6 Wheeler, 10 ton truck rate:
Weigh Bridge only
8 Wheeler, 13 ton truck rate:
Weigh Bridge only
10 Wheeler, 15 ton truck rate:
Weigh Bridge only
Semi 18/20, 20 ton semi rate:
Weigh Bridge only
T & Tri 20/22, 26 ton T & T rate
Weigh Bridge only
T & Quad 22/24, 28 ton T & Q rate:
Weigh Bridge only

WET ASS - Acid Sulphate Soil
Disposal Location:
124 Behms Road Jacobs Well
Material Description:
Moist to saturated material that can’t be compacted or hold its angle of repose.
Weigh Bridge per ton:
$16.60 + liming
6 Wheeler, 10 ton truck rate:
Weigh Bridge only
8 Wheeler, 13 ton truck rate:
Weigh Bridge only
10 Wheeler, 15 ton truck rate:
Weigh Bridge only
Semi 18/20, 20 ton semi rate:
Weigh Bridge only
T & Tri 20/22, 26 ton T & T rate
Weigh Bridge only
T & Quad 22/24, 28 ton T & Q rate:
Weigh Bridge only

PASS - Possible Acid Sulphate Soil
Disposal Location:
124 Behms Road Jacobs Well
Material Description:
Containing iron sulphides (pyrite) which have the potential to produce sulphuric acid if they are drained or excavated.
Weigh Bridge per ton:
6 Wheeler, 10 ton truck rate:
Weigh Bridge only
8 Wheeler, 13 ton truck rate:
Weigh Bridge only
10 Wheeler, 15 ton truck rate:
Weigh Bridge only
Semi 18/20, 20 ton semi rate:
Weigh Bridge only
T & Tri 20/22, 26 ton T & T rate
Weigh Bridge only
T & Quad 22/24, 28 ton T & Q rate:
Weigh Bridge only

WET PASS - Possible Acid Sulphate Soil
Disposal Location:
124 Behms Road Jacobs Well
Material Description:
Moist to saturated material that can’t be compacted or hold its angle of repose.
Weigh Bridge per ton:
6 Wheeler, 10 ton truck rate:
Weigh Bridge only
8 Wheeler, 13 ton truck rate:
Weigh Bridge only
10 Wheeler, 15 ton truck rate:
Weigh Bridge only
Semi 18/20, 20 ton semi rate:
Weigh Bridge only
T & Tri 20/22, 26 ton T & T rate
Weigh Bridge only
T & Quad 22/24, 28 ton T & Q rate:
Weigh Bridge only

Dredged Spoil
Disposal Location:
124 Behms Road Jacobs Well
Material Description:
Sediment & mud extracted from the bottom of Canals.
Weigh Bridge per ton:
6 Wheeler, 10 ton truck rate:
8 Wheeler, 13 ton truck rate:
10 Wheeler, 15 ton truck rate:
Semi 18/20, 20 ton semi rate:
T & Tri 20/22, 26 ton T & T rate
T & Quad 22/24, 28 ton T & Q rate:

Deleterious Surcharge
Disposal Location:
124 Behms Road Jacobs Well
Material Description:
Earthen Material containing small amounts of Concrete, Asphalt, Green waste only.
Weigh Bridge per ton:
$12.10 + Material rate
6 Wheeler, 10 ton truck rate:
$121 + Material rate
8 Wheeler, 13 ton truck rate:
$157 + Material rate
10 Wheeler, 15 ton truck rate:
$181 + Material rate
Semi 18/20, 20 ton semi rate:
$242 + Material rate
T & Tri 20/22, 26 ton T & T rate
$314 + Material rate
T & Quad 22/24, 28 ton T & Q rate:
$338 + Material rate

Disposal Location:
557 Norwell Road Norwell
124 Behms Road Jacobs Well
Material Description:
Hard un-weathered material generally between 100mm and 500mm. Rock greater than 500mm charged Rock Oversize.
Weigh Bridge per ton:
6 Wheeler, 10 ton truck rate:
8 Wheeler, 13 ton truck rate:
10 Wheeler, 15 ton truck rate:
Semi 18/20, 20 ton semi rate:
T & Tri 20/22, 26 ton T & T rate
T & Quad 22/24, 28 ton T & Q rate:

Waste Water
Disposal Location:
124 Behms Road Jacobs Well
Material Description:
Saline Water, Acid Sulphate Water, Dirty Water, Drill Mud, Drill Slurry.
Weigh Bridge per ton:
Vac Truck:
Material Disposal Location Material Description Weigh Bridge per ton 6 Wh
10 ton truck rate
8 Wh
13 ton truck rate
10 Wh
15 ton truck rate
Semi 18/20
20 ton semi rate
T&Tri 20/22
26 ton T&T rate
T&Quad 22/24
28 ton T&Q rate
Vac truck
Clean Earthern Material 124 Behms Road Jacobs Well Sand, Soil, Rock, Clay, Silt, Gravel $7.50 $75 $97 $113 $151 $196 $211 POA
Unsuitable 124 Behms Road Jacobs Well Unsuitable Material is, excavated natural materials which are received as mixed non-homogeneous materials consisting of clay, silt, gravel and rock <300mm, and free of deleterious materials. $7.50 $75 $97 $113 $151 $196 $211
Wet Earthen Material 124 Behms Road Jacobs Well Moist to saturated material that can’t be compacted or hold its angle of repose. $16.60 $166 $215 $248 $332 $431 $464
ASS - Acid Sulphate Soil 124 Behms Road Jacobs Well Soils and sediments containing iron sulphides and the most common being pyrite, when exposed to air produces sulphuric acid. Must be classified as ASS. $7.90 + liming Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only
WET ASS - Acid Sulphate Soil 124 Behms Road Jacobs Well Moist to saturated material that can’t be compacted or hold its angle of repose. $16.60 + liming Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only
PASS - Possible Acid Sulphate Soil 124 Behms Road Jacobs Well Containing iron sulphides (pyrite) which have the potential to produce sulphuric acid if they are drained or excavated. $9.55 Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only
WET PASS - Possible Acid Sulphate Soil 124 Behms Road Jacobs Well Moist to saturated material that can’t be compacted or hold its angle of repose. $16.60 Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only Weigh Bridge only
Dredged Spoil 124 Behms Road Jacobs Well Sediment & mud extracted from the bottom of Canals. POA POA POA POA POA POA POA
Deleterious Surcharge 124 Behms Road Jacobs Well Earthen Material containing small amounts of Concrete, Asphalt, Green waste only. $12.10 + Material rate $121 + Material rate $157 + Material rate $181 + Material rate $242 + Materail rate $314 + Material $338 + Material rate
Rock 557 Norwell Road Norwell

124 Behms Road Jacobs Well
Hard un-weathered material generally between 100mm and 500mm. Rock greater than 500mm charged Rock Oversize. POA POA POA POA POA POA POA
Waste Water 124 Behms Road Jacobs Well Saline Water, Acid Sulphate Water, Dirty Water, Drill Mud, Drill Slurry. POA POA

ASS Treatment Pricing (GST NOT included)

All prices and liming rates are per tonne

ASS dry material: managed & treated at our facility
 $7.90 + liming & neutralisation
ASS wet material: managed & treated at our facility
$16.60 + liming & neutralisation
Liming Rate: less than 30kgs
Liming Rate: 30 - 60kgs
Liming Rate: 60 - 90kgs
Liming Rate: 90 - 120kgs
Liming Rate: 120kg +

Prices as per: 01/07/2024

Deleterious materials (GST NOT included) Download

With the introduction of the new End of Waste Codes by the Queensland Government and an ERA54 approval, Wholesale Sands & Recycling will only accept the following clean earth materials:

  • Dirt and soil
  • Shale and rock gravel
  • Clay and sand
  • Acid sulphate soils

Loads that are contaminated with Green Waste, Grass & Reeds, Root Systems, Concrete, Bricks, Timber, Asphalt will be deemed as Deleterious (Contaminated). These loads will be either identified at our weighbridge on arrival or at the tip site by our load superintendent, and will have to be screened, separated, and isolated to a storage area to be disposed of to an acceptable tip facility.

As of the 1st of July 2023, Deleterious fees are in addition to our regular tip fees to compensate for the extra labour, machinery costs and disposal fees, to deal with these loads as follows.

Deleterious Loads across the weighbridge will be charged at $12.10 per tonne (GST not included).

6-Wheeler Body trucks
$121.00 per load
8-Wheeler Body trucks
$157.00 per load
10-Wheeler Body trucks
$181.00 per load
$242.00 per load
Truck & Tri
$314.00 per load
Truck & Quad
$338.00 per load

Prices as per: 01/07/2024

If the company concerned is not happy to pay these charges, the loads will be turned away at the weighbridge, or if they have already been offloaded at the tip site, there will be an extra charge to reload them. $50.00 per truck or $80.00 per truck and trailer/semi.

At no time are we able to accept Asbestos, Glass, Plastics, Steel, Aluminium, C & D waste material.

List of Environment Authorities

Concrete Solid Washout: ENEW07602819 (ESR/2020/5248)
Liquid Concrete Washout: ENEW07602719 (ESR/2020/5249)
Crushing, Milling, Grinding: EPPR04347716
Dredging and Extraction Behms Road, Jacobs Well: EPR00690613
Dredging and Extraction Norwell Road, Norwell: EPPR03933316

Fire Ant Bio Security Instrument Permit: BIP-RIFA-1600065

Beneficial Re-Use | B Grade Soil | Brickies Loam | Dirty Water Recycling | Drill Mud Reycling | Drill Slurry Recycling | Fill Sand | Fire Ants | Gold Coast Wholesale Sand | Medium Coarse Sand | Soil | Top Dressing Sand | Washed Sand

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